You’re Not So Vein…

Listen, we all have them. Some more prominently than others. Those blue twists in turns that keep us alive are never something to  be ashamed of. But when your nephew says it looks like there are sideman tattoos on your legs, some may consider wanting to remove their intense appearance. If you’re looking to reduce the appearance of your veins, Bare Ur Beauty has a couple of options to consider.

First, you’ll want to determine what type of vein you’d like removed. We offer removal for both angioma veins and vascular veins.


Angioma Removal

Angioma veins are generally classified as cherry angioma, or spider angioma. Often referred to as “blood spots”, cherry angioma can be left untreated as they are entirely harmless. However, cosmetic removal is common. 

Spider angioma are named because of their web-like in appearance. They appear just below the outer layer of the skin. Like cherry angioma, spider angioma are harmless.
Angioma removal involves destroying the veins with laser energy, which seals the veins and prevents blood flow. Eventually, the damaged veins are absorbed by the body. 

Vascular Removal

At Bare Ur Beauty, we offer the treatment of vascular veins. Vascular veins, or varicose veins, are treated with a Cutera laser. We use the XEO and Excel™ HR. With Excel™ HR’s two different wavelengths, we offer laser treatment that is safe and effective for all skin types.

The laser delivers pulses of light energy which cause the blood within the vein to coagulate, eventually destroying the vessel which is later reabsorbed by your body. Blood flow will then be redirected to veins deeper below your skin’s surface, where it should be.

There’s no need to be ashamed of self-conscious of your veins. They’re perfectly natural, and the reason you’re alive! Ultimately, do what feels right for you - we support your bodily decisions from head to toe - hey…kind of like your veins!

Contact us to chat more about how we can help!

Meredith Wolf

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