The Best Food & Drinks For Healthy Skin

Making healthy choices can offer benefits in many areas of your life. From less stress and better sleep patterns, to more energy, maintaining a healthy weight and so much more, a few lifestyle changes can truly go a long way.

But, what about your skin?

We’re pleased to tell you that with a few simple lifestyle changes, you can invest in the health and appearance of your skin! To get started, let’s take a look at the best food and drink options for healthy and radiant skin.

The Best Foods for Healthy Skin

Whole foods contain a variety of vitamins and nutrients. While it’s encouraged that you eat a well-balanced diet consisting of a variety of whole foods, certain options can help to aid in the health of your skin.


Did you know that two cups of watermelon is equal to one cup of water? Satisfy your craving for sweets and keep your skin hydrated with watermelon! The antioxidants found inside this sweet fruit are also beneficial to your skin.


Grapes are a refreshing snack that can help to aid in the regeneration of skin cells, while at the same time combat oxidative stress with a combination of ellagic acid and resveratrol. 


The perfect addition to most lunches and dinners, fish can become a healthy addition to most diets. Both cod and salmon can provide your skin with nourishment with omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D and antioxidants. These nutrients can also help to reduce inflammation, manage acne and rosacea, and even reduce your risk of skin cancer.


Boost the flavour of your favourite dishes with help from garlic. Garlic can aid in your skin health by helping to reduce the production of Advanced Glycation End Products, which can lead to structural changes in your skin.

The Best Drinks for Healthy Skin

Hydration is key to healthy and rejuvenated skin. While many liquids can help to boost the appearance, look and feel of your skin, here are our top recommendations.


Did you know that the human body is made up of up to 60% water?

With skin being the largest organ in your body, it’s only natural that water would be the best drink to help boost the health and appearance of your skin. Not only will water help to keep your body hydrated and skin looking nourished, but it can also help to flush out toxins and impurities.

Green Tea

Loaded with antioxidants, it’s only natural that green tea would make our list of the best drinks for your skin. These antioxidants can help to prevent the signs of aging and even help to boost the elasticity of your skin.

Not only can these antioxidants result in a youthful glow, but can also help to prevent damage to healthy cells and even reduce hyperpigmentation! 

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is a wonderful drink option to aid in the health of your skin. Drinking peppermint tea regularly can help improve your skin in two ways, through the reduction of testosterone levels and with a boost of antioxidants.

The reduction in testosterone levels can help to reduce the growth of hair, especially on the chin and upper lip, while the antioxidants, otherwise known as “polyphenols”, can help to reduce both dehydration and inflammation.

Whether you’re looking to wind down after dinner with a satisfying cup of tea or warm up during a cold, winter walk, peppermint tea is the perfect option!

Bone Broth

Did you know that bone broth is loaded with minerals and amino acids? With the nutritional value of bone broth, you can experience the following skin-related benefits:

  • Promote the natural production of collagen

  • Aid in anti-aging or reverse aging efforts

  • Improve sleep patterns for a rested appearance

  • Boost digestive health and a healthy diet

Bone broth can be sipped on, added to soups or even used in place of water for certain dishes, such as rice.

Fruit-Infused Water

Now that we know that both water and certain fruit can be beneficial to your skin, why not put them together for a fruit-infused water? Not only will your body and skin benefit from the hydration and additional nutrients, but it’s also a fun way to mix up your water!

Invest in Your Skincare with Bare Ur Beauty

Did you find the information in this article helpful? Take a look at the other resources in our blog to learn more about skin care and boosting the health of your skin.

Is it time to begin your skincare journey? Whether you’re looking to reverse aging or heal acne-prone skin, our team at Bare Ur Beauty is here to guide and support you along the way. With a number of professional skin care services, we can help you take the first step toward loving the skin you’re in.

Our services include:

  • Skin Consultations

  • CUTERA® Titan

  • Laser Hair Removal

  • Facials

  • Micro-Needling

  • Laser Genesis

  • Photofacial

  • LED Light Therapy

  • Chemical Peels

For more information or help getting started, contact our medical spa today.

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